What Does it Take for People to See You as an Expert in Your Industry?
Building a reputation as an expert in your field can be absolutely critical for your business success. After all, people want to do business with someone who they view as intelligent, capable, and a thought leader. However, being viewed as an expert in your field isn’t something that can happen on its own. It takes time, effort, and a lot of good marketing. As such, here are three things to keep in mind if you want people to view you as an expert in your chosen field.
If you are a 20-something fresh out of college who’d like to be viewed as an expert, make sure to be patient. No matter your age, developing expertise takes time, hard work, and years of research. It simply isn’t something that will develop immediately. This means that you should spend your first years in an industry actually becoming an expert, concentrating on taking classes, building skills, and learning, rather than on trying to market yourself as one from the start. Expertise will come after you earn it and build a credible reputation.
A Big Footprint
You cannot be viewed as an expert unless you expand your overall footprint. A good reputation will not happen in a vacuum. At the very least you better at least have a website. This website must contain industry-specific marketing that discusses who you are, what you have done, and what your qualifications are. Depending on your field, you must also be capable of demonstrating your successful results and showing how people have come to rely on you as a leader. Testimonials from successful customers and an overall review of your resume may be appropriate.
Appropriate Marketing
When it comes to marketing your expertise, you need to find a balance. On one hand, you want to make sure you discuss who you are, but on the other hand, you don’t want to look like you have a big ego. Your best bet is to try to strike a balance by discussing what you have done. For example, have you published papers, given presentations, or presented other research in your field? If so, make sure you market it appropriately. Your average potential customer might not want to read an in-depth paper, but they will absolutely want to know that you have made these publications, so this can enhance your reputation.
Building a reputation as an expert requires using some well-chosen marketing tactics. However, more than anything else, it requires results. Concentrate on building a portfolio and experience, and, with hard work, the rest will follow from there.
Ready to help market yourself as an expert? Try our coaching authority course to help you get started!