Stay Focus on Your Dreams
Over the past 2 years or so, there were multiple times I wanted to give up on my business and build someone else’s dreams. To have a full-time job and regular paycheck was better than nothing.
I did that for a bit but now I wanted more. It’s also alright to work temporarily so you have some income while you continue to build your business. I did that too! Being an entrepreneur has its uncertainties and outcomes — irregular hours, the risks to take, more financial investments, and even the psychological challenges questioning yourself whether entrepreneurship is right for you.
The roller coaster ride of the unknown can be overwhelming, to say the least! Yet, it can also be exciting! I’ve gained and learned so much over the years. The powerful relationships, the knowledge, and experiences I gained were priceless. To also realize that I’m more resilient, determined and focused than I give myself credit to, are also empowering revelations.
Being a perpetual student and sharing what I know is one of the best ways to give more value to others especially to the ones I haven’t even met in person, yet. To also receive messages worldwide on a regular basis on how people are affected by what was being posted and shared online, is also a blessing. My friends, I’ll tell you another secret that only a few of you know already. I use Facebook as my vision board. I rarely share negative posts on my personal feed or timeline. They’re mostly, if not always positive with actionable steps to help ME press forward!
To encourage when I don’t have those not to so good days (and we all have them) and to remind myself where I’ve been, some accomplishments and where I’m headed to help to stay focus in my business. Not to mention others reading these posts are realizing that their own breakthroughs are also just on the horizon, is inspiring! And if my posts encourage and move others to take actions, then it’s an even more blessing. So thank you to those for always seeing the positive.
Thank you for your encouragement. Heaven knows it’s hard being a boss in your business. It takes guts, determination, and discipline. It takes strengths within to get up after those “not so good days,” dust yourself off, face those challenges and try again. But also know that you’re not alone in this journey. We all have someone or a few strong, powerful people who keep us accountable and cheers us on because they see something in you that you may not realize, recognize and overlook.
At times it takes someone else to believe in you before you truly believe in yourself! If you don’t have someone, you have yourself! Your drive comes from within. Know where you’re headed, write down your goals, schedule those deadlines, and press forward. Last but not least, continue to be the catalyst for change!
Thanks for reading my short stories on Thursdays. Be great and rock on, my friends! Ires