I’m an introvert, a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur, a friend, a speaker, a coach, and a leader.


Can someone be both an introvert and a leader? ABSOLUTELY!

Growing up, I was that girl who rarely raised her hand in class. I’d rather listen to most conversations and only speak when spoken to. I kept quiet and did my work in class. I remember a time when my teachers would ask me to share my answers in class and it would take me a minute to verbally share them. On the other hand, when it came to class participation, I would often be the first one to contribute something to the group. I also piqued my teachers’ curiosity when they noticed that participating in a group setting came easily to me and I would often lead the pack. I suppose from an early age, and unbeknownst to me, I was already showing that leadership quality. I didn’t know it at that time that being a leader would be something I would become someday.

Either case, ever since I could remember, I’ve always been an introvert. Even to this day, I prefer to observe and listen as it serves me well because in my profession, being a speaker, trainer, and coach, the number one skill or trait that a coach and trainer should possess well is to listen, observe and provide even more value to their clients and prospects.


I love being a mother to two boys, and a wife and best friend to the love of my life. Having a family and having a positive inner circle of friends is a blessing to me. They know the struggles, the challenges, and the pain I went through for decades. My family has also seen it all. They’ve been there during my surgeries, my illness, my depression, you name it! I remember a time when I used to crawl on my bedroom floor just to use the bathroom because I was so weak, so ill and frail. I went from 113 pounds to 80 something due to an autoimmune disease. My illness became more pronounced when I was pregnant with my second child. I had radiations back to back because of it. These days, I learn to manage the way I feel. As most of us can relate, we have days that are not so great days. Thos days can be so overpowering that it can even change the way you feel about yourself. You question yourself – “am I good enough?” “Why is this happening to me?” I could go on and on. However, I would not change it for the world! Because without the struggles, there are no breakthroughs! If there are no challenges and obstacles in life; life would be simple and boring. I don’t know about you, but we’re here to live our best life, ever!

I also have two wonderful children who I dearly love! My children inspire me endlessly. They are the reason I burn the midnight oil working on my dreams and to leave a legacy that they would be proud of. Not to mention perhaps continue it – continue the positive impact I have built for future generations and for others to benefit from.


Being an entrepreneur and being full-time at that, didn’t come to me until much later in life. I had my first taste or experience as a part-time entrepreneur when my mother, Estela passed away. She was an entrepreneur and had small businesses. One of those businesses was given to me. Within less than 6 months of operating it, I failed. I didn’t make money on it. In fact, I lost money and time. I didn’t have the right mindset nor the work ethic to be an entrepreneur. I wasn’t ready. Besides, it wasn’t in my heart and mind – at that time.

Now, being your own boss was one thing. Working 24/7 and 365 days of the year, if possible, is what an entrepreneur would do if given the chance.  I remember a time when my mother would work until 3 in the morning, sleep for 2 hours then up again for another long day.

It was not in my “blood” or DNA to work for myself. It was not even in my mind at that time.  My ultimate goal was to work for corporations and get those high paying positions.  Yet, similar to many people, we experience those interruptions in life. Certain events and circumstances happen to us and there’s very little we can do about it. Whether it’s health, finance, family or another, such situations can derail us from moving forward.


As I mentioned earlier, I used to crawl on my bedroom floor just to use my bathroom because I was very ill. Within 60 days, I dropped 30 something pounds because of an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease that can wreak havoc on one’s health because your immune system mistakenly attacks an organ or organs in the body. For me, my autoimmune disease is my thyroid or in medical terms, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. To quote, Healthline, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is when “thyroid hormone production slows. Symptoms include weight gain, sensitivity to cold, fatigue, hair loss, and swelling of the thyroid (goiter).”

In other words, I was not and still not producing enough thyroid hormone in my body. As a result, it can worsen my current symptoms plus it can also mimic many other symptoms, like anxiety, panic attacks, heart palpitations, weight gain and more in the process. Over many decades, I learn to manage the way I feel on a regular basis. There are certain foods I cannot tolerate to eat or I’ll be sick for days. Not to mention very cold and very hot temperatures are also intolerable. The list goes on.

Yet, with all this going on, my breakthrough came after my family, my mom, step-dad and middle brother passed away. I became depressed for years. The family I knew were gone back to back! I didn’t even realize I was depressed or going through the process until one day I snapped out of it! Slowly, yet surely, I began to realize that life was short; precious and it’s meant for us to enjoy. It’s also meant for us to help others as well.


It’s hard to believe that not too long ago, speaking in front of an audience was a struggle for me especially when I was younger! Whether I was well prepared to do the presentation or have practiced numerous times, it didn’t matter. Speaking in public was uncomfortable for me to do. Not to mention, I would be stricken with the thoughts of would I say the right things, would I keep my audience engaged, or what if I forget what I wanted to say. You know all these self-limiting beliefs we put on ourselves. If you are one of those awesome public speakers who love speaking in public, I commend you! You have a gift. But for those who struggled just like me, it’s a working progress.

Yet, despite the fact that an introvert, I’ve always had this vision to coach and train others. One of my dreams and goals is to also create a bigger impact on others in a bigger platform. I didn’t know how I was going to do it or how I would get there let alone where to begin but I was determined to make it happen someday.

Then one day, it happened!

But first, let me give credit to a friend of mine who convinced me to enroll in a program and become a speaker, trainer, and coach. I won’t disclose her name here as she’s no longer with the organization; however, it was another turning point in my life for me. Although I signed up with the intention to study on becoming a better coach and trainer and placed the speaker aspect in the back of my mind, slowly and surely over a few months, I became even more interested with the speaking side of the business. Don’t get me wrong, they provided us with plenty of education and work to do to better ourselves on those three elements, but needless to say, speaking came in last for me.

Within 6 months of being a student and Founding Member of the Les Brown Unlimited, formerly known as the Les Brown Maximum Achievement Team, I spoke for the first time in front of 200 plus guests, planned my first live event in Atlanta, spoke at various events and have been invited to many more events.

Today, I am an international speaker, trainer, and coach helping and teaching my clients and students worldwide. I have the pleasure to keynote in Canada in Spring 2018. As well as a keynote speaker and presenter at a Les Brown “Discover Your Power Voice” conference in Florida.
It’s been a great journey, thus far, being able to speak at various events, conferences, summits, and workshops on topics related to women empowerment, personal and business development.

I am thankful and blessed, to say the least.


Thinking back and as far as I could recall, I suppose I’ve always been teaching or coaching others. I’ve often enjoyed sharing what I know with others and provide value to others. To know and see them succeed, brings joy to my heart! Today, I have the pleasure to work with Speakers, Trainers, Coaches, Athletes, Entrepreneurs, and Consultants uncovering the story of their brand, finding their platform, designing their product and/or services, serving others and helping them monetize their talent and skills. With my signature programs like “High-Ticket Mastery,” “High-Ticket Coaching,” “Coaching for Masters,” “Branding for Bosses,” “Fast Track Branding Mastery,” and “Quantum Shift 365,” I’ve been able to help others succeed both in business and in life. I’m also the Founder of FemCEO Nation and CEO Nation TV. It’s truly a blessing being able to do what I do virtually also. Most of the times, I meet with my students and clients online and via teleconferences. It’s a great feeling to serve others in your own terms and being the boss of your time!


I found my passion to lead, inspire and encourage others to act on and encourage them to pursue their dreams and goals like there’s no tomorrow. To act, to be bold and conquer your fears no matter what you tell yourself or what others believe in you.  At times these limiting beliefs can hold us back from moving forward. It’s time to let go of unnecessary negative thoughts and people in your life that weighs you down. It’s time to live a purposeful life!

Currently, I teach and show entrepreneurs and business owners what I’ve done in the past and what I’m currently doing in my business. I show ways on how to have a stronger digital brand. I create programs based on their story. I help develop their unique selling proposition that sets them apart from their competitors and to build that credible, trustworthy brand.

It’s my pleasure to work with introverted entrepreneurs and business professionals.

I’m available to speak at events, conferences, and workshops.

Find my speaker media kit – here.

Let’s connect soon! Thank you.

Be great! Keep soaring,