Let Your End Results Speak for You
Let your work speak for you and worry less about what other people think of you.
Don’t worry about people’s criticism or their negative feedback.
Some of you may be thinking, easier said than done and you’re right!
I remember more than 8 years ago when I shared about my dream of working from home. I was so passionate about sharing how I’d like to have my own agency. I didn’t know what type or what it’s going to be. I didn’t even have a name for it, yet, but I knew I wanted to have the freedom and choice for myself.
As the excitement from my voice grew over the phone, he stopped me from telling him more. He quickly added that what I’m experiencing was just a passing dream. It’ll go away soon enough and tomorrow I’ll wake up with another dream. Best to continue working for someone else to help my family.
This feedback came from a family member. (Thankfully, it wasn’t from my husband or dad).
But I believed him and I let go of that dream for years.
Ever had a family member or someone dear to you not believe in you and told you not to think of such foolish things? They even convinced you not to pursue your dreams and goals because they couldn’t see you making it? Or that you’re better off doing something else?
Sometimes you have to give up on others not because you don’t care, it’s because they don’t know much about you.
It’s best to work on your dreams and goals, silently. Because the quieter you work on them, the less distraction you’ll encounter from people and you’ll be able to achieve more. Therefore, keep your personal goals, personal.
As for dealing with criticisms, handle them like a pro. Try not to take them personally. Respond calmly or ignore them and step on the gas, even more!
I believe each of us has our time and season. We have our time for an even greater change. Also, our season to shine even more!
So, as you continue to work on your dreams and taking actions to make things happen, it’s best to stay quiet.
Stay focused, keep your eye on the prize and let the end results from your hard work and efforts speak for you.
Remember, actions speak volume!
Thanks for letting me share my short stories on Thursdays.
Until then…be great; keep soaring!
#IresAlliston 🙂