How to Schedule Your Success as an Entrepreneur in 2019!
2019 starts its engines and doesn’t wait for anyone, so the best idea to start the year is to be ready to face it successfully. As an entrepreneur, you know that the success of your goals depends entirely on you, so don’t waste time and follow these tips to organize your performance and meet your goals in this New Year.
Scheduling Your Success
What is your objective? What actions will you take to achieve it? How will you keep a record of your actions? Programming is one of the fundamental parts of any successful process, and today I will teach you how to use it for your advantage:
Setting Your Goals
The first and most important part of any planning process and the one that will define the rest of the actions: the goal setting. When setting your goals, you need to keep in mind the different types of goals existent:
- Short term: Daily and weekly goals. Big plans require small actions, so it is necessary to secure your path with small goals that you can accomplish in a short time. The ideal is that your short-term goals are in harmony with your long-term goals so that every small action you do on a daily basis will have its benefits at the end of the year. Here you can include action goals in social networks, advertising or business development.
- Medium-term: Monthly and quarterly goals. With these types of goals in mind, you are assured one step closer to success. Monthly goals allow you to take things one month at a time, making the business growth process easier. Again, medium-term goals must meet both short and long term standards, to prevent any of your actions from diverting you from your primary goal: success.
- Long-term: The big objectives, six-monthly and annual goals. Your main objective and the place where you should always aim with each one of your actions. Long-term goals depend on the accumulation of all other established goals, so all levels are equally important. It doesn’t matter how many short goals you achieve if at the end of the day they are not appropriately directed towards the future, so don’t lose sight of your long-term goals to keep your business on track.
The definition of your goals is the first step, but it must be accompanied by the necessary actions to achieve it.
Achieving Your Goals
As an entrepreneur, you know that you depend on yourself for success, so you need to stay focused and firm in taking the actions necessary to accomplish your goals.
One of the most common failures entrepreneurs commit is to take any action to grow their business, without thinking about the repercussions or long-term goals. Avoid this, plan your actions according to all your types of objectives without ever losing sight of your vision for the future.
- Be realistic: Don’t let yourself be carried away by your idealistic dreams when making your action plan, it is necessary that you have your feet on the ground. Small actions that you can perform constantly and without going out of your possibilities.
- Focus: Your actions, no matter how small, must follow the same course. It is necessary to think well and stay focused when planning the actions to take, as they define the success of your business.
- Think about profits: This is what all business is all about, maximizing profits, so these should be a clear part of your goals. Your actions have to generate some kind of profit and make your business economically sustainable.
Once you are clear about your goals and the actions you must take to achieve them, it is necessary to write everything down.
Control of Goals
A good plan needs to be organized, and nothing better to organize things than to write it all down. As an entrepreneur, you will always have many things in mind, so it’s easy to forget the things that really matter. To avoid this, organizing and reviewing objectives is necessary. Some resources that can help you are:
- Checklists: checklists are the best way to organize your priorities and keep track of actions taken on a given day or week. It is good to plan your checklists before the beginning of the week, to have your objectives clear from the beginning.
- Calendar: The best way to have future goals and actions insight. You can make notes for actions and objectives in the medium and long term.
- Diary: A diary of notes can be the difference between forgetting something important or not. Writing down and keeping a record of pending duties or unfulfilled objectives can help you not to be distracted and to remember everything in time.
Once you have the means to track your objectives and actions and begin to execute your action plan, you need to collect all the data and analyze it constantly.
Goal Tracking
The best way to know if you’re doing things right is to analyze the data and compare it continuously. A weekly and monthly review of your achievements can show you the results of your action plan.
- Negative results: a somehow negative result on your goals is not the end of the world. This tells you that something of what you are doing maybe failing, so a review of goals and actions is required.
- Neutral results: You’re not doing things wrong, but they’re not having the expected result either. Care must be taken when modifying the action plan, it must be done little by little and without drastic changes, so as not to create negative results.
- Positive results: Moment of not trusting each other. Positive results show you’re doing things right, but it’s not time to stop. Focus on staying on track and doing what you’re doing.
One thing is for sure with the results: you will learn, even from the negative ones, how to improve as an entrepreneur.
The success of all entrepreneurs depends mostly on themselves, their plans and their actions, so it is necessary to have constancy, determination and focus on the goals to achieve it. With these tips, you can start 2019 on the right foot and ensure success.